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+/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
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Posts by Stephen Healy

How Content Can Support a Company’s Digital Transformation

Digitization offers SMEs an array of opportunities, but it can also present problems. Learn how such companies can use the right content to support their digital transformation

Read moreDigital Transformation

Transcreation: A Recipe for Success in International Marketing

What is transcreation in international marketing? What is the difference between transcreation and translation? Find out more about the hot topic of transcreation in our blog.

Read moreTranscreation

Politically Correct Language: Finding the Right Tone in Translations

Many companies are making politically correct, inclusive language a priority. We explain what you need to look out for in your international communication.

Read morePolitically correct language

Watch Out. Take Care: The Pitfalls of Festive Localization

Over the years, we’ve heard people say that translating is basically about getting all the words from the source language into the target. While not totally wrong, if applied uncritically, this ultra-literal approach is a sure-fire recipe for unnatural, if not downright weird, translations. And the results will be even worse if the translator’s task is to localize a text. In our final blog post of 2020, we look at the localization challenges posed by an apparently innocuous seasonal sentence.

Read moreChristmas cherub and Santa Claus

Get professional texts written by ghostwriters

Present yourself and your company in the best possible light by having a professional ghostwriter handle your texts. Find one today!

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Why you should hire a ghostwriter: 5 reasons for business executives

Find out how hiring a ghostwriter can take your English content strategy to the next level and boost your business success.

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